Ali Alexander and his supporter attacks Millie Weaver releasing child porn set up email, insinuating that it could be false; said it’s fake

Ali Alexander and his supporter Ashley has gone on Twitter insinuating that Millie Weaver was releasing a fake email, referring to the attempted frame up of Millie Weaver with child pornography using a tormail type service. Then he further tweeted that he seems to believe that it is a fake email.

Ali Alexander joins the political character assassins against news reporter Millie Weaver; blocks Stanley Bolten from his Twitter page without explanation

Ali Alexander has also shown his true colors in attacking Millie Weaver and then blocking Stanley Bolten from viewing his tweets on Twitter. He has shown that he ain't a true patriot when he blocks people for no reason which is stirring up anger and hatred, the infighting to attempt to destroy Millie Weaver just like with Brian D. Hill before he had falsely plead guilty.

Infowars begins purging Millie Weaver videos from, Alex Jones a hypocrite for decrying censorship from Twitter, Facebook, YouTube

There you see, then you don't, Infowars founder Alex Jones had kept his promise to start purging the Millie Weaver content from her old channel at, after a disagreement with Millie Weaver's documentary film ShadowGate which had led to her being fired. Now Alex Jones is a hypocrite when he bashes Google, Facebook, YouTube, Spotify, and Twitter for censoring Infowars content. Now Alex Jones has engaged in the very censorship that he decries by deleting content from his very own platform of A double standard where he decries liberals censoring conservative content when the liberals claim fake news but is okay with deleting and purging the content of journalist Millie Weaver who formerly worked for Infowars. That is as if all the years of news reporting she had done for Infowars doesn't matter anymore. Even if Millie got down on her hands and knees and begged Alex Jones to stop, he cannot undo the damage he had already done, those video links will never come back, they are gone forever, down the memory hole. Alex Jones committed the ultimate hypocrisy worthy of being documented and exposed on the entire internet.

WARNING to Infowars; if they continue attacking Millie Weaver and ignore Brian D. Hill’s case; we will expose YOU InfoWHORES

If Alex Jones of Infowars and any or all of it's associates continue it's defamation/slander campaign against Millicent Weaver [Millie Weaver], we will expose each and every step of this counter-intelligence program operation [COINTELPRO]. We will document each and every step to prove that Alex Jones is a liar and a yellow journalist, and will prove such against each and every staff member of Infowars.

Tore, whistleblower on the ShadowGate film by Millie Weaver, discloses the truth about husband, turning him into police for his crime

The truth has finally come out as to Tore, the whistleblower who was interviewed on the documentary film ShadowGate, directed by Millie Weaver. This truth shows how far Infowars and it's associates are willing to go to destroy the reputation of a good person who exposes the truth. Here is what was revealed. Political character assassination is what is happening here to Millie Weaver, Tore, and Patrick Bergy.

More political character assassination attacks on Millie Weaver and Whistleblowers, dipping into pedophilia

When it rains, it pours. After Alex Jones had fired Millie Weaver [Millennial Millie] and declared that her entire channel on will be deleted, now Kaitlin Bennett or a imposter account appears to be on Twitter attacking a whistleblower associated with Millie Weaver's documentary "ShadowGate" and stating that the whistleblower is married to a child molester, yeah a pedophile. The attacks have now escalated to calling the enemy of Infowars, a connection to an alleged pedophile.

Alex Jones terminates career of Millie Weaver; treats her exact same way as Brian D. Hill of USWGO; Millie Weaver of Infowars FIRED

Alex Jones has fired news reporting contractor Millennial Millie aka Millie Weaver who did news reports for Infowars and also does her own news reporting which makes her competition to Alex Jones. Millie Weaver put out a tweet confirming that Alex Jones has turned his back on Millie Weaver over criminal charges stirred up from a domestic family dispute during the Covid-19 lockdowns and fear mongering by the mainstream media.

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