U.S. Probation Office asks for change of venue; Judge Schroeder reluctantly agreed to change of venue without protest in USWGO Brian Hill’s case

by Laurie Azgard The DisHonorable Judge Thomas David Schroeder had finally been placed into checkmate in the judicial corrupt game of Chess that was rigged as to the federal criminal case of Brian D. Hill of USWGO alternative news. The chief judge of the "Middle District of North Carolina" had ordered the adoption of the... Continue Reading →

U.S. Court of Appeals throws out Probation Revocation Appeal, ignores evidence and case law, bucks the Supreme Court, acting like Nazi Gestapo Tribunal

The fourth circuit of the U.S. Court of Appeals have gone and done it this time, they lie again in opinions against the appeals of Brian D. Hill of USWGO alternative news and then toss out each and every appeal Brian had ever filed requesting relief. This time they throw out appeal of the supervised release revocation judgment by the DisHonorable Thomas David Schroeder that was entered on October 7, 2019. They did so knowing about the fraudulent begotten judgments, knowing of the lies of the government.

USWGO News Brian Hill petitions Supreme Court for rehearing to rule on Fourth Circuit denying mandamus on Judge refusing to act on motions

Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO alternative news who was sued by Righthaven LLC in 2011 as documented by Reporters Without Borders, had filed a petition for rehearing in his Supreme Court case to undo the criminal-level frauds upon the court and perjury by compelling the DisHonorable Judge Thomas David Schroeder to act upon four uncontested pending motions to vacate all fraudulent begotten judgments in favor of the government. Uncontested means that under the rules those motions should have been granted as a matter of law, no discretion can normally be used without good reason. The law says if a motion had not been responded to by a certain due date, then the Government waives their right to respond and the motion is warranted to being granted, usually if it is well-grounded upon law. Brian contends that he is entitled as a matter of law to relief which means both probation violations he was found guilty of were based upon fraudulent facts and pretenses and thus are not sound judgments, this those judgments must be vacated and not in full force and effect. Then the last motion for sanctions asking for default judgment for Brian's actual innocence as a matter of law and for the government committing a repeated pattern of frauds upon the court.

Supreme Court throws out USWGO News Brian D. Hill’s case, Brian is writing the White House asking for FULL PARDON

Bad News! After all of the hard work that Brian D. Hill of USWGO alternative news had done proving fraud upon the court and his actual innocence, the Supreme Court had yesterday denied his petition for writ of certiorari. Thus allowing a CORRUPT federal judge to ignore motions and refuse to take action upon them which creates a permanent barrier against Brian's constitutional right to appeal an unfavorable decision. Now courts have the right to ignore motions completely which contradicts past case law precedent from the Virginia Supreme Court and the U.S. Supreme Court. There was no opinion or comment for the denial of his petition. What is going on here? Have our courts been hijacked, infiltrated, threatened, blackmailed, family threatened, bribed????????? Well remember that John Roberts the Chief Justice may very well be involved with serial pedophile Jeffrey Epstein even though Praying Medic disagrees.

Justice for Brian D. Hill

https://justiceforbrianhill2.wordpress.com/2020/10/03/justice-for-brian-d-hill/ Posted by stellagrandma October 3, 2020 Posted inUncategorized https://justiceforuswgo.wordpress.com/more-resources/ I am Brian’s grandmother, and I want to thank all of Brian’s friends who have stuck by him since 2013 (7 years now) and the new friends and supporters he has made.  Thanks also to his friends & supporters who have started this web page. ... Continue Reading →

QAnon hit with hardcore propaganda attacks, now accused of pedophilia operations; especially after frame up attempt #QAnon #WWG1WGA #Patriots

A news hit piece type propaganda was recently released and published online entitled "Hacker collective Anonymous reveals ‘QAnon’ controlled by “hardcore pedophiles” – The Internet Chronicle". It is attempting to insinuate that QAnon is full of pedophiles at the top of the group, that of course comes out after a year ago when Alex Jones had also claimed QAnon may had been responsible for sending him child pornography files through an email address "qanon@onionmail.info".

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