Connecticut Supreme Court rules against Alex Jones who had been set up with child porn, ranting about it; Can QAnon be framed now?

by Laurie Azgard The Connecticut Supreme Court had made a recent statewide case law decision against Alex Emeric Jones of [backup pdf mirrored] and anybody else who received child pornography set up emails, who in 2019 had been attacked by the legal system for being framed with child pornography emails coming from an anonymous... Continue Reading →

ActivistPost website hacked in 2019, told reporter not to cover the Federal Court corruption involving Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News

Author: Stanley Bolten, Note: I am sorry to Aaron Kesel and ActivistPost but I have decided to go public with this information. I cannot stand to see Brian D. Hill being thrown in Federal Prison over and over again under constant probation violations over his autistic behaviors and the Federal Prosecutor keeps making up more... Continue Reading →

Complaint for mandamus; civil rights relief from incompetent judges

Brian D. Hill did the writ of mandamus but the fourth circuit federal court of appeals wrongfully dismissed the writ of mandamus which is why Brian was forced to file a petition for writ of certiorari.

Pro Se Chicago's Weblog

When judges or officials are incompetent, malicious, or plain mean and violate your civil rights there are two other means that the public usually doesn’t realize by which they can obtain relief even during the case. The judge or official must have a mandatory (non-discretionary) duty under the law or constitution to do a particular act, must have failed to do it, and must be able to do it if ordered to do so in order to use a mandamus complaint. Civil rights law is very complicated. Both types of complaints should be handled by an attorney, but as a starting place if you are interested in such complaints then this is an example that was filed by me, a non-attorney pro se. Look up the case law and look up cases regarding mandamus or civil rights in the circuit courts and under your states’ laws.

  1. Mandamus – this is…

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