Brian D. Hill files Petition for Rehearing in Virginia Appeals Court arguing: “a CIRCUIT COURT aka the TRIAL COURT can engage in a DICTATORSHIP.” Constitutional Crisis in Virginia

Author: Stanley Bolten Brian D. Hill (formerly of USWGO Alternative News) had filed a timely petition for rehearing and rehearing en banc in the Court of Appeals of Virginia (CAV). He had also filed a Motion for Delayed Appeals as well. He is arguing that dismissal of his three appeals (out of seven total appeals,... Continue Reading →

Petition for Rehearing docketed in Blackmail Scheme Case in U.S. Supreme Court (case no. 22-6123), Motion for Review and Disqualification filed but not publicly docketed for the general public, what are they hiding???

ALERT: Read the very documents filed but not publicly listed in PDF Format on the Supreme Court's docket page. What is SCOTUS not wanting publicly listed??? Declaration-support-Motion-review-disqualification.pdf – Declaration in support of Motion for Review and Disqualification (PDF). Read the letter begging the Clerk to file publicly in pdf format the filings, they were very... Continue Reading →

Brian D. Hill files the Petition for Rehearing in Supreme Court of Virginia, motion to file Pro Se Transcript of oral argument asserting ACTUAL INNOCENCE exception should be permitted in Virginia Courts

Author: Stanley Bolten Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News, files a PETITION FOR REHEARING in the Supreme Court of Virginia arguing that Chief Justice Bernard S. Goodwyn (Note: who was appointed by Tim Kaine, a Bill/Hillary Clinton connected individual) was wrong in denying Brian's petition for appeal. Last month, Brian spoke at the... Continue Reading →

BREAKING: U.S. Supreme Court dockets Petitions for Rehearing from Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News; Clerk actually obeyed 18 U.S. Code § 2071 this time

This time, the Clerk, Scott S. Harris actually filed everything in an envelope which was received in the U.S. Supreme Court. Good deal not violating 18 U.S. Code § 2071 this time. Brian D. Hill, formerly USWGO Alternative News had filed three Petitions for Rehearing requesting reopening of his trio Supreme Court petitions requesting relief from his wrongful conviction on the basis of Actual Innocence, Fraud on the Court, and Judicial corruption aka the Judicial rebellion going on by the inferior Court Judges.

U.S. Supreme Court dockets petition for rehearing in Brian’s Writ of Mandamus appeal; “DISTRIBUTED for Conference of 1/8/2021”

The U.S. Supreme Court had finally docketed former USWGO alternative news reporter Brian D. Hill's petition for rehearing, after two months of filing in October 15, 2020, in mid-December the filing went live and is scheduled for the next judicial conference on January 8, 2021. This is in regards to Brian's writ of mandamus for DisHonorable Judge Thomas David Schroeder refusing to act upon pending uncontested motions for sanctions at the time.

USWGO News Brian Hill petitions Supreme Court for rehearing to rule on Fourth Circuit denying mandamus on Judge refusing to act on motions

Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO alternative news who was sued by Righthaven LLC in 2011 as documented by Reporters Without Borders, had filed a petition for rehearing in his Supreme Court case to undo the criminal-level frauds upon the court and perjury by compelling the DisHonorable Judge Thomas David Schroeder to act upon four uncontested pending motions to vacate all fraudulent begotten judgments in favor of the government. Uncontested means that under the rules those motions should have been granted as a matter of law, no discretion can normally be used without good reason. The law says if a motion had not been responded to by a certain due date, then the Government waives their right to respond and the motion is warranted to being granted, usually if it is well-grounded upon law. Brian contends that he is entitled as a matter of law to relief which means both probation violations he was found guilty of were based upon fraudulent facts and pretenses and thus are not sound judgments, this those judgments must be vacated and not in full force and effect. Then the last motion for sanctions asking for default judgment for Brian's actual innocence as a matter of law and for the government committing a repeated pattern of frauds upon the court.

US Court of Appeals refuses to mandate Judge to tackle Frauds upon the Court by US Attorney; Petitioner fights back!

by Laurie Azgard The U.S. court of appeals for the fourth circuit in Richmond, Virginia has decided to protect the corrupt federal judge Thomas David Schroeder who has became a judicial dictator, engaging in a coup d'état overthrowing our case law and overthrowing the authorities set by the U.S. Supreme court and lower appellate courts.... Continue Reading →

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